Sam Horn

How to Craft a World Class Keynote

Suzanne Evans

Mastering Your Stage Presence--Delivering With Style, Substance and Success

Marie Diamond

Learn How to Command the Energy in the Room

Tim Gard

Injecting Humor into Your Stories to Become an In-Demand, Lucrative Speaker

Steve Brossman

Get Over Your Fear of Selling From Stage

Lisa Sasevich

Boost Sales with Your Irresistible Offer

Jen Loving

The Secret To Get More Clients From Speaking

Steve Lowell

The Art of Architecting a Compelling Presentation

Michelle Villalobos

Your Million Dollar Speaking Model

Johnny Beirne

Creating Virtual Magic for a Fun & Memorable Virtual Presentation

Gary Barnes

Putting The Mojo Into Motivational Speaking

Ken Foster

Mastering Your Inner Dialogue to be an Authentic, Powerful Speaker

Sandra Cavanaugh

The Genius of Connection: Engaging, interacting, and collaborating with your audience.