Welcome to the Speaker Celebration!

All of the presentations will be listed on this page as they're released so you are able to jump right to any of the presenters! Each day will also be gathered on its own exclusive page.



How to Craft a World Class Keynote

Getting a keynote dialed in is a great start. Elevating it to world class is a goal of every speaker determined to have massive influence and a steady source of paid gigs. Learn from one of the world's best what goes into creating a memorable, world class keynote.

Suzanne Evans

Mastering Your Stage Presence--Delivering With Style, Substance and Success

Content is one thing, but delivery is everything! You've got to be masterful from the stage and in this session, you'll learn what it takes to captivate your audience. Discover nuances that will make all the difference!

Marie Diamond

Learn How to Command the Energy in the Room

There's an invisible component to making every speaking opportunity a success--and that is energy! Learn exactly how to influence and impact the energy in the room for maximum connection to your audience and achieving your desired outcomes.

Tim Gard

Injecting Humor into your stories to become an in-demand, lucrative speaker

Humor is a powerful way to engage your audience and draw them to you, especially humorous storytelling! Learn how a great story told well can lead to a lifetime of success and income, and how how you can integrate the funny purposefully into your presentations.

steve brossman

Get Over Your Fear Of Selling From Stage

Discover the mindset and simple selling language of iconic speakers to STOP selling from your heels and get the confidence you need to convert attendees into clients. Finally start creating the impact and income you desire.


Boost Sales With Your Irresistible Offer

Find out how to virtually guarantee sales of your products/programs from stage with ease. Get the low down on bonuses, incentives, pricing, values stacking and risk reversal that will help you "make it rain" at your next gig.


The Secret To Get More Clients From Speaking

Learn how to magnetically attract clients from your speaking gigs, how to price your offer and create a "rush" to the back of the room, in-person or virtually. We'll show you the most effective strategies that are working now!


The Art of Architecting a Compelling Presentation

Discover ways to hone in on the right subject, positioning, topic, teachings, stories, structure and offer that will make your presentation a masterpiece! The roadmap for a great talk that will make the process easy!


Your Million Dollar Speaking Model

You can speak till the cows come home, and not make the kind of money that will give you the lifestyle you want. But this session is dedicated to providing you a roadmap that will open the doors to a million dollar livelihood--and balanced lifestyle.


Creating Virtual Magic for a Fun & Memorable Virtual Presentation

Find out how speakers and webinar presenters can stand out on screen with easy-to-use special effects that make your message memorable and put more money in your bank account. Wow your audience with unexpected visuals, inspired humor and surprising impact!


Event Mastery--Successful Events That Fuel Your Client Pipeline

Creating a connection between the speaker and the audience is an art and not a science. This section will focus on engagement, impact and relatability creating a memorable experience for everyone.


Secrets To Finding and Booking Paid Speaking Gigs

You'll discover the three secrets to quickly connect with your audience. How to be comfortable and powerful on stage and the key to convert audiences to clients.

Sandra Cavanaugh

The Genius of Connection: Engaging, Interacting and Collaborating with Your Audience.

Go from being a good speaker to an unforgettable speaker by using simple principles of improvisation to create an interactive and inspired talk that is empowering and entertaining for both you and your audience.



Powerful Strategies To Boost Your Income From Speaking

Discover ways to increase your revenue from any stage--tried and true strategies that create consistently higher dollars, conversion secrets, ways to parlay one appearance to many -- and more. Get on a faster money train so you can do less gigs, with higher results!


Secrets To Finding And Booking Paid Speaking Gigs

Want to breakthrough to a steady diet of paid gigs? Then be here to learn the current hot trends and topics, how to open doors and build relationships, where to find those paid opps, and tips for getting to the top of the "yes" pile!


Filling Your Calendar With Association Conferences And Quarterly Meetings

Crack the corporate market with this insider knowledge--what will make them bite, how to make your woo work for you instead of against, what mistakes to avoid, how to speak their language, how to negotiate smart. Book yourself solid in the corporate world and see your revenue rocket.


What You Need To Know To Get Booked In The Corporate Marketplace

Crack the corporate market with this insider knowledge--what will make them bite, how to make your woo work for you instead of against, what mistakes to avoid, how to speak their language, how to negotiate smart. Book yourself solid in the corporate world and see your revenue rocket.


Master What To Ask For And How To Negotiate Your Speaking Fees

Take the mystery out of negotiating your speaker fees! Find out the going rates, how to up your value, when to raise your prices, what to ask for, how to find common ground and come out a winner!


How To Find And Secure The Right Speaking Gigs For You

Discern how to zero in on the exact gigs matching your ideal target clients, the places where you'll discover them and the strategies for finding and booking paid or larger stages. Shortcut your search for stages and start getting booked now!


Your Route To Bigger Stages And More Clients

Identify how to impress bookers; the pros & cons of paid vs enroll-from the stage; when to pay-to-play, and how to ensure you're a rockstar everyone wants! Learn exactly what it takes to land those bigger stages consistently.


The Inside Scoop On Getting Booked For A Tedx

Discover what successful TEDxers know--exactly what a judge is looking for, the tricks to filling in the form, how to rock your audition video and more! Lock in everything you need to know to land a TEDX stage, the essential door-opener for any speaker or expert.


Hidden Speaking Opportunities You Might Have Overlooked

Where haven't you been looking for gigs that might just be waiting and perfect for you? Maybe faith-based, ethnic-based, or gender-specific, nonprofits, universities, educational credit courses? Discover some hidden gems that may not be obvious, but could result in clients and revenue.


Finding The Stages And Opening More Doors To Diverse Voices

Discover how to find hospitable stages for diverse voices and lobby for more. Get insights into increasing the opportunities for someone of color, women, the gender-non conforming or someone who speaks with an accent.


The Insider's Scoop on Speaker's Bureaus

You’re going to learn how to You’re going to learn the difference between an agency and a speaking bureau; what companies you should target as a speaker; how to get noticed, AND REMEMBERED as a speaker and what the booker needs to see when they consider booking you; and how to become a favorite of the bureau! We’re going to explore how to impress bookers and keep you top of mind; and how to ensure you’re the rockstar everyone wants! Learn exactly what it takes to land those bigger stages consistently.


LinkedIn Secrets for Securing Speaker Bookings

The best way to strategically start using LinkedIn to get more exposure and more clients together with AI. LinkedIn has over 1 billion people but energy without strategy is a waste of time. Discover the fastest way to get results on LinkedIn and start growing your business.



Making The Leap From Solopreneur To Scaling Up

Get keen insight into how to build a bigger, more sustainable business--mindset, game plans, timetables, delegating, staffing, automation... Everything that goes into moving beyond solopreneur. Make the leap up to a scalable speaker-driven business!


Turning Strangers Into Buyers

Discover the fast way to build a bridge over people's resistance, and to secure their trust and their investment.


Demystifying Speaker One-Sheet Content And Creation

Get the inside scoop from an expert on writing a knock-out bio, making your presentations irresistible, getting the right colors, graphics and look. Rock your speaker one-sheet for maximum bookings and impact!


How to Dress For Impact And Appeal From The Stage

Hear exactly how to create a signature personal style for stage--what to wear and what NOT to wear; how to pick your colors, styles and even shoes; when to dress up and when to go casual. Capture the signature look that will make you memorable!


How To Create Slides That Make You Look Like A Pro

Avoid death by PowerPoint! Find out what's working and what's NOT! How to create captivating, appealing, impactful slides that support your words, stories and offer! And do it easily!


Mastering Those Pesky Green Screens And Virtual Backgrounds

Mystified at creating a virtual background that doesn't make you look like you're from outer space? Tired of using a standardized zoom image? Find out how to create and utilize a virtual background that enhances your brand and mission without breaking the bank to do it.


Solutions For Your Customer Relations And Back Office Tech Support

Find out exactly what you need to seamlessly woo, sell and integrate your clients using automation and back office support--so it doesn't all fall on your shoulders or fall apart after you get them to opt-in or sign on the dotted line. From funnels to financing and everything in between!


Monetizing Your Message Beyond The Stage!

We know LinkedIn is great for finding clients and connections, but many of us have thousands of connections but no engagement. We'll teach you how grow your contacts and mine networking gold on LinkedIn.


Creating Masterful One Page Monetary Roadmaps

Monetize your genius as a speaker. Learn the secrets to creating masterful one-page monetary roadmaps. Create conversation-driving content that seamlessly integrates into sales. Discover techniques to engage and convert through sustained conversations. And find out how to sell without selling.


Sponsorship Strategies for Speakers

Join the ranks of speakers who have sponsors fueling their speaking tours, sponsoring their books and products for attendees at events, and who covering the speaker's fee when event hosts don't have a speaker budget. Learn what sponsorship is, how it can help speakers, mistakes to avoid and how to be sponsor ready so you can get started now!


The Secrets to Sensational Speaker Reels

Learn how to create and position the media assets needed to get booked on premium stages and convert audiences into prospects.



The Shortcuts To Creating A Book That Will Get You Booked

Get absolute clarity on why a book matters, the fastest and most effective means to get one done, contents, title, cover design, format, and how to use it to grow your business on and off the stage. Learn to leverage your literature for influence, visibility and sales.


The Strategies To Sell More Books From Speakers

Learn key strategies to accelerate you book sales from the stage--pre-selling, on-site sales incentives and automation, audience engagement, website vs Amazon, virtual vs live events, and more! Hook them with your book!


Discover the Keys to Impactful Publicity for Speakers

Want to be an in-demand speaker? You'll need an ongoing strategic publicity campaign to keep you in front of bookers and prospective clients. Learn exactly what that will take to keep you in the news in this summit session!


Making Yourself Omnipresent so Bookers Find You Organically

Discover how to stand out in a crowded market with Ernesto Verdugo, a seasoned global speaker with appearances in 67 countries. In this insightful session, we explore the strategic use of social media to not only establish but also amplify your online persona. Learn to craft compelling content that resonates with audiences and enhances your search visibility. By developing a strong, consistent brand across multiple platforms, you'll not only triple your booking opportunities but also position yourself as the top choice for bookers searching organically for skilled speakers to hire.


Turn Your Knowledge Into a Compelling Course You Can Sell From Stage

Don't yet have a course to sell from stage? Bone up on exactly how to get it done, create compelling content and supporting aids, and keep your buyers engaged so they become raving fans and burnish your rep.


The Way To Get Your Podcast Off The Ground Without Overwhelm

Discover ways to pick the topic to reach the biggest audience, how to get started easily, choose formats, create intros, find and select the right guests, solutions for post-production, getting on the right podcast platforms and ways to get much of this done-for-you. Here's how get over the fear of launching a podcast!


Write A Podcast Pitch Letter That Is An Easy Yes

Master the intricacies of wooing the show host--creating a can't miss hook, a knock-out depiction of your delivery, why you're a superstar guest and a subject line that kills! Turn yourself into a podcast phenomenon, building your bookings for fame and fortune.


Optimizing Networking For Clients And JV Promotional Partners

After you've built your speaker rep and your community, you are ready for your own event. Learn how to crush your own event from an industry expert.


Event Mastery--Successful Events That Fuel Your Client Pipeline

Discover how to get started in one of the fastest growing promotional vehicles today, what it takes to get launch, how to create great content, ways to monetize and master having your own television show.


Crafting Your Elevator Pitch For Maximum Impact

Get the guidelines for creating a can't miss elevator pitch ...what elements MUST it have to catch someone's attention and awaken desire. The tricks to deliver it well and often. Master your introduction so you can hook prospects instantly in any room or virtual gathering.