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Thank you for signing up to receive notification of when Jackie Lapin’s 5-week Conscious Marketing Mastery will take place.

You will have the opportunity to participate in the first Marketing/Media Relations Mastery Program to Marry the Mainstream and the Mindbodyspirit–teaching conscious marketing, branding, publicity and book marketing!

Here’s what you’ll learn in over five, 90-minute sessions:

  • The Keys to Conscious-High Frequency-Marketing

  • Brand Awesomeness—How to Find, Define or Refine Your Brand, and Integrate It In Everything You Do

  • Book It! The Ins and Outs of Book Marketing Today – For Those Who Already Have and Those Who Wish To Have A Book

  • 30 Must-Have Authors’, Entrepreneurs’ and Organizations’ Marketing Strategies for the Conscious & Mainstream Marketplaces

  • Creating Your Exceptional Publicity and Media Relations Plan and Implementing It for Impact

  • Getting the Interview—A Look at Effective Release and Pitch Writing, and the Ways to Make Yourself Irresistible to the Media


For more information on marketing and publicity services or to contact Jackie Lapin directly, visit Conscious Media Relations at

Jackie Lapin
Conscious Media Relations